
Welcome to Maggie’s One Butt Kitchen. I have a one butt kitchen and believe everyone can cook, bake and share their love for food even in the smallest of spaces. You don’t need a large space to create wonderful food. I once owned a bakery and my kitchen was small there as well, common with many commercial kitchens. A small kitchen forces you to be organized and creates a very effective, prolific space. Great food is not judged by the size of the kitchen.

My “One Butt Kitchen”!

My pot rack over our kitchen tables is a life saver.

My most frequently used kitchen tools are a great set of SHARP knives,stand mixer,food processor,parchment paper,pastry bags and just a few decorating tips. The rest are things I believe are fairly common in every ones kitchen such as, cutting boards,mixing bowls, baking sheets,spatulas, pots,and pans.

I’m a married mom of five grown sons, triplets and twins. They are the best things I’ve ever cooked up. I’m a mom of four furkids as well, two German Shepherds,a Great Dane and a Basset Hound. When the human kids moved out, the furkids moved in.

I have a insatiable appetite for cooking and baking. It’s the way I show my love for others. It’s a passion.

Follow me on my Facebook page…


I have also pinned all my recipes on Pinterest…


672 thoughts on “About

  1. We have similar philosophy, I believe food and family goes together and passion is the glue that binds it. I admire you with five sons and I thought I had my hands full 🙂 I have 2 energetic sons 3 1/2 yr old and a 21 month old baby. Then again they are the very reason that drives me to be a better mom, wife and a cook! Looking forward for more of your post!

  2. I love your “one-butt” philosophy. I lived on a boat for a long time and it was sure a “one-butt’er” but I still made good meals.

  3. Thanks for visiting our blog – and boy am I glad you did! I can tell I’m going to learn some fantastic recipes from you. I, too, have a one butt kitchen; as long as you fill it with love it’s as big as you need it to be. 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing your talents!

  4. WONDERFUL Maggie… this is really REALLY great. Hmmmm when did the basset hound move in giggles? You are INDEED a JOY and a PLEASURE and a MOST AMAZING COOK!!!

  5. Wow so many kids! That is impressive. I can’t imagine raising one child, let alone 5, and boys at that!
    Your pasta recipes look amazing.. better then what I’ve seen at some restaurants. Must try them on my own sometime.

    • Thank you so much. When you have kids in batches , ignorance is bliss,I guess:) Didn’t ever have an opportunity at one at a time,giggle. Wouldn’t trade that experience for anything in the world.
      You have probably noticed I LOVE pasta:) Thank again. Enjoy!

  6. aaahhh….now i get the ‘one butt kitchen’ and what it means….hahaha!!!! keep on baking and sharing!!!!!

  7. I am looking forward to reading about your food tips and recipes and meshing them into my diet when training for my runs! Glad to have followed your blog 🙂

  8. Maggie, you’re so right to say it’s not the size of the kitchen that matters–it’s organization and passion that do (speaking as someone with a one-butt 1930s beach house kitchen!) Keep cooking, girl!

  9. Hi Maggie,
    I look forward to reading about your one butt kitchen, unfortunately I am rooming with another person and have lived by myself all my life (hopefully this will change back to the previous way very soon) however the kitchen is much smaller than I am used to, but could make it work if it were just mine and my stuff. It is an experience in extreme patience, going for my stuff and finding it is all packed up and the room mate has nothing cooking wise.
    Thank you for visiting my blog and liking today’s post on Lentils- Wholesome and Fiber Rich, hoping in the coming days to post the recipe if it works out for me. Thanks again!

  10. Dear Maggie, thanks for your visit to my blog (www.nutritionandfoodfacts.wordpress.com). Yours looks super yummie. A super greeting. fil

  11. thanks for having visited my blog (www.nutritionandfoodfacts.wordpress.com) – yours looks super yummie. have a good day. fil

  12. This is the kind of blog we all love! We would be glad to share some excerpts of your posts at blaz.biz if you agree. Your recipes look actually yummy!!

  13. Hi Maggie,

    Great blog here! Your recipes look super yummy…and I’m definitely going to make some of that compound butter. I used to live in a one-butt kitchen and enjoyed those times I cooked there. I have to admit it’s a lot easier to cook in a “one-butt-er” than in a bigger kitchen (everything’s within easy reach!).

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’m looking forward to seeing more of yours.

    Happy cooking in your one-butt kitchen!

    Best regards,

  14. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I tried the asparagus recipe last night in fact and it went down a storm with my family – apart from my youngest who was half asleep at the table! Speaking of family- hats off to you having 5 sons! Wow! I have 2 small children and they are handful enough for me. Well done!! I’m one of 4 children myself and my mum loves to cook- the same philosophy that you mentioned in your post above- food and meals are certainly at the centre of home life when we all get together. I look forward to exploring your blog xx

  15. Oh. My. Goodness. I think I’m in heaven. The food on your blog looks SO GOOD! I love cooking too, but don’t have much time to do so at the moment as I’m a full time student (and I can’t bear to do much proper cooking in our filthy shared kitchen!). I cook sometimes when I’m at home though and love to experiment with new recipes, adding bits in and whatnot. I shall come and visit your blog every time I need inspiration or to just drool over some of the photos 😉
    Alice 🙂

  16. Just wanted to thank you for liking my post “Have you ever eaten a duck egg?” in my “Delightful Local Repast” blog…Really enjoyed perusing the recipes in your blog…love all the great photos!! Cheers, Rose

  17. Wow Maggie! What an amazing blog! I’ll definitely be visiing again and again for recipes and inspiration. I too have a ‘compact’ home 🙂 but as they say ‘the best things come in small packages!

  18. Thanks for stopping by. Your blog is lovely, so many recipes! Can’t wait to take my time in browsing through them 🙂

  19. I think our home technically has a two butt kitchen, but I’d always rather be the only butt in there anyway .., you know what they say about too many cooks 🙂

  20. Thanks for liking my post 🙂 I loathe cooking and entertaining but respect to anyone who enjoys it! I have one teenage son and “RESPECT” to anyone with 5 of them! I was struggling to cope with mine at a very early age and asked my health visitor how she coped? She said ” If you can cope with going on holiday with 4 boys in the back of the car, you can cope with anything”! I guess you know all about that!

  21. Thanks for checking out my new Blog, Maggie. I am having so much fun with this.. so far. It’s going to be fun finding people who share my various and eclectic passions. Today was food. Tomorrow photograpy. Thank you for sharing , also.

  22. a woman after my own heart!! especially the furbabies(but mine are cats) and the 3 sons are still at home for a few more years yet:) but you are so right about how your cooking is an expression of your love!

  23. Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my Fried Pickle recipe. My kitchen, like yours is small and two people in the there is just too much! I love the background picture on ;your blog……….very inventive! Your recipes are great and will fit right into my “must learn how to cook by 50”. I’ve got 5 months togo and I’m pleased to add your blog to the ones I follow!

  24. In the end cooking is where Joy, Art, and Fuel merge. When we can blur the lines we can truly create…..

  25. Thanks for the likes, Maggie:-) I am trying to Follow you, but not getting new posts. Is there another button, besides the one on the top task bar, for following your blog? Usually there’s one on the right side of the page. What am I missing?

  26. Nothing better than furries and food… of course no fur in the food..LOL 🙂 I used to make my little one stay out of the kitchen.. he would sit just on the very edge of the line between the kitchen and the dining room..:) I would give him things to try… If Tef didn’t like it it went into the trash… Furries are the best:)

  27. Thanks for the visit to my blog! Your recipes look amazing and perhaps something i could aspire too!! (I love to bake but it is usually pretty basic things.)

  28. Thanks for being my first ever WP like! I like to cook and especially bake and I live on a boat, so I too have a one butt kitchen! I also have a passion for hound dogs. We have so much in common! I look forward to reading your blog and picking up some culinary inspiration. Thanks again.

  29. Hi Maggie! Call me old fashioned, but I covet a hard copy of your blog! I know there are scads of great cookbooks, but yours are hitting my favourite foods right over the ole taste buds. If you ever publish please drop me a notice, I’d buy it in a heartbeat. 😀

  30. Wow, thank you so much for sharing these great recipes. I don’t really know how to cook but I want to learn. 🙂 This inspired me. Thank youuuu!

  31. We have three kids but not a single twin or triplet….we’ll never complain again! Thanks for spending time on our blog. We’re planning to work on your tart recipe as soon as we can get some spare time.

  32. First, sorry if my english is not good. I am very glad you liked my writing. You have a great blog, maggie! I hope one day you can cook with flour from ubi jalar, one of Indonesia crops. Greetings 🙂

  33. Hi Maggie,
    I love your title. I had to chuckle & smile. These yummies you picture on the site look tasty. Thank you for visiting my site and liking, Hit the Road Jack (Westbound 5). Good luck with your site and I look forward to visiting it again.

  34. Hi Maggie! Just wanted to say thanks for stopping by my blog…juicybites.net.
    Those enchiladas you just posted look great! Can’t wait to try them!

  35. Maggie, thanks so much for visitng my blog. In the face of your superlative baking skills, I am humbled that you liked it! I am salivating just scrolling down the page! I can’t wait to try some of these delicious things. I have to ask though; is a one butt kitchen some obscure type that I haven’t heard of, or just one that only one butt can fit in? Enquiring minds want to know! 😉 Thanks for sharing your skills!

  36. You are right about not needing a large kitchen. I have a small eat in kitchen with one 4′-3″ counter, yet I am the one who hosts the holiday dinners for extended family. I fed 23 one Christmas out of that kitchen! Thanks for visiting my blog and liking my post.

  37. Maggie, thanks for the like on my Travels in Turkey: Food post. Your desserts look “onolicious.” (that’s the way we say “extraordinarily delicious” in Hawaii). I must try them (and I emphasize the “try”).

  38. Thanks for visiting my blog and liking my post! I just quickly scrolled through some of the food photos and my mouth is watering just from looking at the pictures! I am adding your blog to my list to follow. 🙂

  39. Love your blog. We have the similar thoughts for food and family. I also believe everyone can cook and we don’t need a big kitchen and fancy tools to cook great and delicious food. Great recipes!!

    Thank you for stopping by and started to follow my blog.

  40. Hi, Maggie! Passion for food is just incredible,isn’t it? 🙂 Thanks for stopping by. Will have to browse through your blog and try to find something I might like. 😀

  41. Thanks for the “like.” I also love to cook and to eat (though I’m not much of a baker–I have a crappy oven :() I’ll be looking forward to following your recipes.

  42. thanks for liking my recent post. I also love to cook (not just eat as it may seem from the post – :-D) and can appreciate your working in a small place. I have 6 kids – but having twins and triplets certainly outdoes any 6 singlets!! I look forward to exploring your blog which looks just luscious!
    with love light and JOY

  43. Your food really does looks great. Wonderful job on your pictures too. We have a lot in common. I also have five chidlren but one set of twins. One of my twins has had 17 brain surgeries, seizures, cerebral palsy, and more. He is extremely loving even now at age 15. I have lived in 5 southern states but really kick my cooking up a notch after living in the New Orleans area. I look forward to reading more of your recipes. Blessings, Diane http://www.reicpesforourdailybread.com

  44. Love your blog. Thanks for finding me so I could find you!
    One butt kitchen, that name got me running off in all sorts of tangents. Smiling of course. Did she mean she large butt? Or was that meaning just one person? Or a small kitchen? I get it now. Slow eh? Well I like slow food so if the hat fits. And apologies about the large butt comment but I do believe that a shapely butt is a good butt but I want to talk about food. When do I not?
    Love your recipes and plan to try some soon. I have a sweet tooth and love baking too although I try to cut down but then think why should I. It depends on the day and I have a short attention span until I like something else. 🙂 Looking forward to reading more!

      • After I had clicked I wondered if I had gone too far? So glad to find you have the same sense of good humour. I don’t want to upset your creative cooking. Nothing worse than an upset chef or baker, is there. Pots flying, spatulas,…
        Cheers and here’s to more wonderful food. Can’t wait to see what you do next.

  45. Thanks so much for liking my recent post Maggie! So glad we connected – I live in a tiny condo and I too have a “onebuttkitchen”. LOVE that, too funny!

  46. hi Maggie I love baking too! I’m a full time paintress and writing my first children’s stories but I adore baking so much I started a little blog (the one you visited!) Someday maybe I can open a small gallery of my art and serve baked goodies…do you think it’d work?
    many thanks for stopping by my blog!

  47. I am now properly inspired, as I am also somewhat ‘spatially challenged’ by my kitchen. Not always able to keep up with the steady flow of recipes coming out of the Kitchen, but can certainly provide enthusiatic testimonials for the ones I have tried!

  48. What a great blog! I too have a “one butt kitchen” and have spent far too much time dreaming of somewhere I can roll out dough without having to do it on boards over the cooking hob. Looking forward to trying someof your recipes.

  49. Hi Maggie – Thanks for liking my recipes! Hope they work for you. I too have always had a small kitchen, apart from one, when I was young and inexperienced, that measured 6m x 4m – running from the cooker at one end to the sink at the other kept me fit! I really prefer a small kitchen – provided there’s at least one decent work surface.

  50. Thanks so much for visiting my site. I have been all over yours and it is wonderful. I love all the recipes and will have to try some out.

  51. Dear Maggie,
    Thanks for visiting our blog. I think our kitchen in paris is more ‘half-butt’, and we have the best fun trying to recreate favourite baking experiences with nothing more than a stovetop, saucepan & blender.
    Happy cooking!

  52. Thanks for taking a peek at my blog….look forward to following yours. Am also passionate about food, cooking, and especially about feeding others! I wrote a book called, Always on Sunday: Memories of an Italian Childhood. Check out my website when you have a minute. http://www.alwaysonsunday.com Happy cooking and baking!

  53. Maggie – I love your recipes, but I especially love the name of your blog! A childhood friend of mine and I used to always refer to the size of kitchen by the number of “butts” it could hold – I thought we were the only ones who did that! I am also a one butt kitchen cook – it’s inspiring to see what you’ve created in yours!

  54. Hi Maggie…thanks again for liking my recent post Joy and Gratitude…you are one of those I was thinking of when I wrote that post! 🙂 and mentioned the food!!
    with love light and JOY

  55. Hi Maggie, you have a delicious looking blog! I see that you’re instantly “Liking” posts on my blog about food. I’m curious, how are finding them so quickly? I love to cook too, though mine is more of a “Disco Kitchen”. Best wishes from Elmer!
    ( ElmerCat.org )

  56. I love your “One Butt Kitchen” philosophy!!! Only, your kitchen is at least 3 or 4 butt sized, compared to MINE! I promise to post a pic on my blog to show you!!! I’ll come back & give you the link once I do! (Space here in Hong Kong is so limited that my clothes get washed under my stove & I can LITERALLY stir dinner while scrubbing dishes & grabbing the milk from the fridge!) – Thanks for stopping by my Black Bean Chicken post, please let us know if you try it out! 🙂 Hope you’ll visit us again… btw, your chicken fajitas look sooo good!!! (No good Mex. food to be found here! I might have to try your recipe soon!)

  57. Thank you so much for visiting “God’s Way To Health”. You have an amazing blog and I like it very much and it looks like others do to. Best of luck with your blog. Blessings.

  58. Forgot to let you know that I signed up to receive your new updates. Let me know if it would be ok to post some of yours once in a while on mine, giving you full credit naturally.

  59. Thank you for visiting and supporting my new blog! I love your blog and it’s the first one I’ve been tempted to check out. Your recipes look fantastic and I can tell that they really work…not just cookbook, read it, and cross your fingers ones. I can’t wait to see more!

  60. Your one-butt kitchen looks huge compared to mine! I am envious of your pot rack, I would love to have one here. Thanks for stopping by my blog, it’s a treat to see your sumptuous recipes. There is a particularly tiny kitchen on a relatively new cooking series on English TV called The Little Paris Kitchen which makes ours look roomy (www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuQ5TzyLzMk if you want to check it out).

  61. Maggie, I really would like to contact you, about re posting your blog on the Rhubarb Cake recipe, I know word press makes it so you can, but don’t like to without contacting the blog author. if it is ok you can leave a comment on my blog, and leave your email (if you want) I will edit it out of the comment. You have so many fantastic recipes. I think they call it re blogging.

  62. Congratulations! I have awarded you the One Lovely Blog Award. You have a wonderful blog!
    The Rules for Award participation are:
    1. Link back to the blogger who nominated you.
    2. Paste the award image on your blog, anywhere.
    3. Tell them 7 facts about yourself.
    4. Nominate 9 other blogs you like for this award
    5. Contact the bloggers that you have chosen to let them know that they have been nominated
    Check out my page on Tuesday, June 19, for the official announcement of the awards: cookupastory.wordpress.com

  63. Your recipes sound fantastic! Thanks so much for bringing your blog to my attention after stopping off on my page – if anything, I will now spend most of my days poring over the pics you post! Keep up the wonderful work! x

  64. Hi Maggie,
    A hello from Singapore. Thank you for liking my post on ‘rosemary’ and bringing me to your marvelous blog. My greatest hobby is cooking apart from my creative job. You can expect me to drop by very often from now on to learn from you.

  65. Thanks for visiting my blog. The name of your blog made me laugh out loud! But most of all I bow down to you for raising 5 sons and 4 dogs! I can barely get through raising one son and one dog! And that pot rack above your table-it makes me nervous! 🙂 Thanks again.

  66. Pingback: …and the Awards Go To…Sunshine, Kreativ and Reader Appreciation Awards! « Not In India 2012

  67. I have nominated you for the Sunshine Award and hope you will accept my appreciation. If you choose not to go ahead with the award process, please feel free. It was important for me to help others find their way to your wonderful blog and my way of saying “thank you” for taking the time to share. 🙂
    with love light and JOY

  68. Wonderful to have found your blog thanks to you stopping by mine. Wow, five sons – I feel so busy with two! Your recipes look wonderful.

  69. You are quite an organized person! 5 sons! I love your doggy kids .. so sweet. Very impressive baking .. I bow to you! The most amazing thing that I bake is a one crust pie, with the sides folded to the top. 🙂

  70. Dear Maggie,

    I really like the looks of your blog and am looking forward to exploring it.

    I had to comment though because you are the only other person I have met who describes their space as a onebuttkitchen. Mine is a galley style and I coined the term to keep people from hovering behind me after wheeling around with a hot pot, heading for the sink, and finding someone in my way and about to get scalded. Since then I tell people, “I have a onebutt kitchen. When mine’s in it, yours ain’t!”

    Thanks for writing such an intriguing blog. I am looking forward to spend some time looking over your shoulder and marveling at your expertise.

    Keep Smilin’


  71. Loving your posts. Being in the UK I need to get my head around “cups & sticks” as units of measure. I am sure that I will get used to it with clear explanations such as yours. Keep up the good work. I wish I had more time to cook and blog.

  72. Can you adopt me? 😉 Everything looks so good! How can I choose my first recipe out of all the wonderful ones you have shared. Thanks for putting your recipes up!

  73. Nice to meet you! I live in a New York City apartment, so I think I have a 1/2 butt kitchen. I’m a small-framed man and it’s still too tight for me.

    You like parchment paper? I LOVE it, it makes baking so easy. Cooking is my preference though because I don’t like to measure, even though I’m meticulous in other areas. Love your over-the-table pot rack. Great solution.

    I’m vegan, so most of the recipes here won’t fit me. Still, I can swap and adjust some things to suit my needs. Looking forward to seeing what else you come up with.

    I’ll see you around WordPress.

  74. You have so many fantastic recipes on your blog, I could like them all! Thank you for sharing your wonderful recipes.

  75. Thanks for visiting my blog, your food looks delicious!

    Also, have to agree with you- too many people are caught up in renovating to create larger kitchens but a true foodie knows that it’s all about the chef. If your heart’s in it (which yours seems to be) then you will whip up a storm of scrumptious treats regardless of any other external factors.

    Looking forward to trying some of your recipes 🙂


  76. Hi Maggie, thank you for stopping by my blog! You have a great blog here, I’m looking forward to trying your recipes (I also wish I had a cake fridge like the one above!)
    All the best, Liz

  77. Thanks for the like! Your blog looks great, and I can’t wait to try out some of your recipes. Also, love the name of your blog, and stunned at the number of pots and pans you have hanging over your kitchen table. Cheers!

  78. Thank you for visiting my blog and deciding to follow. I, too, love cooking and it is how I, too, show my love for people! I also have twins who arrived when No 1 was 4 and No 2 was 20 months so I have an idea what your family life is like! mine are now all grown up too.
    I love the look of your food and your blog and will be happily following you in return 🙂

  79. That is a massive pot rack! I wish our kitchen had one too, but I might be too scared to sit right underneath it! ;0)
    You have a lovely big family and a lovely small kitchen 🙂 Ours is kinda largish but I wouldn’t mind a small one, I wouldn’t have to rush from one end to the other to manage all my pots and pans haha xD

  80. I wish you were my mom just so I could have grown up in a kitchen so delightful; however I am fairly certain I would have ended up weighing a good 300 lbs. 🙂 Can’t wait to dive in and try stuff!

  81. So glad to have found you! Tks for stopping by! 🙂 Will def be trying some recipes out from your fab blog! I have 3 young boys and I totally admire you for having 5! Must have been crazy when they were younger….I can imagine that! 🙂 Keep cooking and having fun!

  82. Thanks for stopping by my blog – I’ve lived and worked in numerous small kitchens over the years…. I look forward to following your posts.

  83. Like you, I have a very small kitchen. We live in a condo so the kitchen is tiny and I grow my herbs in planters outside, but we make it work. I love the blog and thanks for visiting mine!

  84. Hi Maggie! Thanks so much for the follow! I really appreciate you stopping by my blog! Unfortunately becuase I switched from wordpress.com to wordpress.org my new posts no longer show up in the wordpress.com reader – if your still interested in following, please stop by and enter your email address to receive the new recipes! Thanks and have a great day!

  85. Hi Maggie! Just having a look at your blog with MY twins (8 years old now) reading over my shoulder. I had to do a double take when I saw you had twins AND triplets. You are my hero! We’re very excited to start keeping an eye on your blog, particularly the desserts and vegetarian sections. Thanks for sharing! P.S. My kids love your dogs, and I love your kitchen.

  86. Thank you so much for stopping by and LIKING my blog. I made the mistake of visiting yours before eating lunch and now my stomach is growling like crazy!! Everything looks delicious! I love the title of your blog…Maggie’s One Butt Kitchen…so cute!

  87. Thank you for visiting my blog and for introducing me to yours. I LOVE your blog.

  88. Thanks for visiting and liking “No More Teenagers.” Your blog looks wonderful. I look forward to exploring it!

  89. Thanks for liking our little blog’s most recent post. I love what I see on yours – lots of great ideas for gifting, too (homemade vanilla, the raisins …). Love your kitchen – I think it’s bigger than my kitchen (islands are never easy)!

  90. Maggie, Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the web; I looked around and really like a lot of your recipes. I will have to check them out a for some future meals. I will make sure I let you know when I do. It sounds like you love hearing about people enjoying your delicious recipes.

  91. Oh ho! Now food is where my heart is. I saw you liked one of my posts and just had to stop by. I LOVE IT! I haven’t looked at a lot of your recipes, but I love what I have seen. And you have a great dane, which just happens to be my favorite dog 😉 Your blog is adorable, and I look forward to reading more of your posts! Keep on cooking! I’m sure you’re great at it!

    Much love,


  92. Maggie, to quote the kids: “OMG!” Your site is amazing! I cannot wait to explore it further and pick up some recipes and tips. Thanks so much for visiting my blog so that now I have found you.

  93. Wow Maggie, I’m not sure how you did it with all those boys! My daughter is about to have her 4th son after 1 girl, a boy and a set of boy twins. So much activity. And your dogs are adorable. We share many of the same food/cooking philosophies I see. Nice to meet a fellow foodie.

  94. Hi Maggie! Thanks for liking my post today – I’m excited to continue to explore your blog. I’m not much of a chef but am hopeful I’ll be inspired by your can-do attitude and recipes!

  95. I’m so glad to have found your blog! Food is so much a part of who we are, certainly in my family. So much love is wrapped up in the stuff I make, and it makes me so happy to share- it’s fun to find someone who feels the same. Your one butt kitchen looks pretty incredible, by the way! I’ll have to check out your recipes…

  96. I view your photo’s and the food looks yummy, I check out the recipe’s ingredients and can tell the food will be delicious. Yes I will enjoy following you!

  97. Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog! I’m still quite new and learning the ropes so it’s nice to know people are out there reading it! You have some great posts on here, I’m pencilling in to try your no fry doughnuts next weekend! 🙂

  98. Thank you for reading my Peanut Butter Cupcakes recipe. I have quite a few I hope to add to my blog-I am enjoying reading your blog, such interesting and delicious ideas. I will follow blog and hope you will follow mine as well.

  99. Ahhh! all those pots! I’ll be eating in the living room, thanks, too find of my cranium to risk it under all those pots. 🙂

  100. Hi there, thank you so much for liking a couple of posts on my page. I’m brand new to blogging and it’s such a great feeling to get nice feedback. Your blog is a lovely read and while my baking skills leave a lot to be desired, my housemates are all wonderful bakers and I will be putting requests in for some of your recipes soon!

  101. Oh, yum! Your blog is awesome! I can’t say I relish the thought of sitting under that mass of pots and pans over the table, but I love your resourcefulness. Thanks for liking my post!

  102. Hi Maggie – thanks for stopping by and liking my post! I wish I could cook or even liked to cook BUT I love to eat! I’ll stop often to drool over your photos 🙂

  103. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking my post!! I can tell I am going to enjoy your blog!! Maybe you’ll be able to help me pick up a trick or two in the kitchen when it comes to cooking! I’ve got baking down… just can’t figure out things other than brownies and cookies… I leave that for the boyfriend! But maybe someday (with your help) I’ll be able to surprise him! 😀

  104. Hi, I am nominating your blog for the Beautiful Blogger award. You can check my post to see what to do. Good luck!

  105. Hi Maggie – I see I’m not the only one nominating you for the One Lovely Blogger, but I’ve already listed you on my site. Keep up the magic in your one butt kitchen 🙂

  106. Pingback: In search of the best fish taco in Kailua-Kona | Writing Isle to Isle

  107. Hi Maggie!

    Love your whole attitude and agree with your philosophy that it’s possible to make great food even with limited space. I have to tell you though, that the amount of space that you have would be considered a large kitchen if you lived in New York City, where I do! I have never had that much counter space since I have been an adult! lol.

    Thanks as well for your “likes” of my posts on The Dairy Free Traveler. It is gratifying not only to know that people are reading but also to know WHO is reading and to get to know others and see their blogs.

    Recently, I left WordPress.com and am now self-hosting on BlueHost. Mostly, it’s great, but one thing I have lost is the ability for people to “like” my posts. So now I can see that people are still reading, but I don’t know who! Do me a favor: please leave me some comments now and then if you are still reading. I promise to return the favor! It is not hard for me to get excited and write gallons when I see the kind of great food your create!

    All the best,

  108. Hi Maggie!
    I have been snooping around your blog for a while and i just nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger Award! You can check it out here: http://kickingbackthepebbles.wordpress.com/2012/11/13/rookie-got-nominated/
    Feel free to not participate along if you are not in the mood (I understand how small things like that can take up valuable time in a hectic working day and I can see you’ve already been nominated for other awards as well) but I really wanted my readers to find their way to your beautiful blog 🙂
    Take care, Athina

  109. The name of your blog just cracks me up and it perked my interest. After seeing the pics of your kitchen, I can undoubtedly call my own kitchen “A Half-Butt Kitchen” if yours is the marker! Small kitchen owners unite (I’m still holding out hope that some day, SOME day, I will have a decent-sized space to whip up my creations! Keep on being optimistic, I love it~
    Best, April

  110. Pingback: One Lovely Blog Award! « Multiple Sclerosis & Syringomyelia

  111. Pingback: Does Kitchen Size Matter? | catterel

    • Thank you for visiting my blog and your kind words. Love your kitchen. I truly believe that small spaces allow for big creativity and ingenuity. I always seem to have plenty of volunteers to eat what has be cooked/baked but rarely any for the clean up. That’s okay since my kitchen is where I show my love for others.

  112. Pingback: Best Moment Award! | Fatty Treats

  113. Hi Maggie! Wow… your blog has so many gorgeous recipes, I’m impressed at your baking skills in a small kitchen (I also have a ridiculously small matchbox kitchen, probably half the size of yours. So frustrating) 🙂 I’ll definitely be back to try some of your cake recipes; that lemon meringue sponge looks so delicious. Also… love the pictures you’ve included of your ‘furkids’. Such gorgeous dogs! x

  114. Thanks for the like! I definitely will be stealing some things from your blog!!!! I also have a one butt kitchen, and am always chasing others out of it when I am cooking.

  115. Your summary is so very true of a small kitchen being so neat and efficient. My one friend and I a few weeks back were having dinner at Corton in NYC and got invited to take a tour of the kitchen. Neither of us could not believe the size as we thought it was going to be much larger and there were about 20 different people at different stations cooking and prepping the individual plates which was pretty crazy being how its like a 5 course and 8 course menu.

    Can’t wait to get into some of your baking recipes and such.

  116. Thank you for liking my recipe, I am new to baking and cooking and really enjoying it, I do agree with you the best part is watching my family and friends enjoying my food.

  117. Maggie, you pastries and food look absolutely DELICIOUS!! I often feast with my eyes and you have a great collection of recipes and photos. Thank you for sharing =) Although many of these recipes are not conducive to my new lifestyle and health goals, I MUST make a few of these recipes for my boyfriend. I know he’d love them.

    P.S. What dessert recipe would you recommend for a health nut? Low carb, low sugar, low calories =)

  118. Unless it’s pretty basic, I’m a real slouch in the kitchen — I may learn some things from your blog! Thanks so much for stopping by Mrs. City Boy and liking my post!

  119. Hey there Maggie! You liked a post on my blog so I wanted to check out your blog and say, “Hi.” I have a one butt kitchen too! It’s not the size of the kitchen that makes great food, but the love that you put into it. Your blog is wonderful!

  120. Hi Maggie…thanks for stopping by and having a look at my blog….Love the name :)…those one butt kitchen’s must be common LOL!!
    Love the recipes you have here…will definitely be stopping by no if’s or butts LOL !!!(sorry couldn’t resist it 😉 )

  121. Hi! Just wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog. I’m loving yours! I used to have a one butt kitchen but I’m gutted I never thought to call it that when it was mine So cool. Love the furkids too. We’re a german shepherd family generally, but love ‘um all shapes and sizes. Looking forward to trying out your recipes.

  122. Thanks for stopping by Lifestyles! I’m glad you liked it. I must say that if you have a ‘one butt kitchen’, then the one I used to live in was barely big enough for a thigh! You’re right, though– It’s not the size, but the magic you create with it. Happy cooking and baking!!

  123. Hello there, thanks so much for visiting and liking the Sunshine Scrapbook 🙂 It must have been amazing to have triplets and twins – wow, I’ve never heard of that in one family! And your furkids are beautiful too… GSDs are my favourite dogs ever 🙂

  124. Thank you for visiting my blog! You seem to have a big, happy family, which makes me miss home a little bit 😛 I hope to try out some of your recipes as well!

  125. Thanks for stopping by my blog and “liking” it! I too work out of a very small kitchen and I think you’re right- small kitchens force you to be organized and only keep what you really need! Your furry friends are the cutest 🙂 cheers.

  126. Pretty certain you have the best kitchen and cooking blog I have seen to date. It is organized nicely and easy to navigate. I love how you blend the tradition of family & food. The food in your photos look absolutely D-I-V-I-N-E! I can’t wait to try out your recipes.

  127. Hi Maggie,
    Thanks for liking my ” Avocado Bruschetta ” recipe, I’ve just created a facebook page last month, so be sure to Like and share it and more importantly, keep an eye there where you will find more wonderful recipes,
    so don’t forget to share the page among your family and friends and get everyone excited about cooking simple, delicious, healthy meals at home

    Sharing is caring, Cheers and god bless you 🙂

  128. You have such a great story! I have 2 grown boys myself and I so enjoy when they are home to cook for them. I love your recipes, especially the baked pastries and breads! Thanks for sharing your wonderful recipes!

  129. Hi, Maggie! I have a “one butt” kitchen in our home in San Antonio, as well as in our little condo in Austin! You are correct when you say that the size of the kitchen will not prevent anyone from cooking delicious food! The size of the heart in the cook matters more than the size of the kitchen, don’t you think? Your family and your recipes sound wonderful. Like you, I show my love for people by cooking for them. My passion now is to create delicious gluten-free foods for my the two of my three grown children who have Celiac. I find that taking regular recipes that contain wheat (or other glutinous grains) and adjusting them to be gluten-free works better than just using recipes specifically designed to be gluten-free. If I manage to successfully recreate any of your recipes as gluten-free, I will let you know, and credit you on my blog. Thank you for sharing your story!

  130. Hi Maggie, thanks for the Like on my BBQ Ribs. They are really a yummy recipe. Love your blog and plan to follow. Looks like you are as passionate cooking as I. My hubby has said that food is not that important to him, but if he only had bad food I think he would see it a little differently. 🙂 p.s. We are building a small cabin and the kitchen is definetely a one but kitchen. Will have to get used to that.

  131. I just had to chuckle when I saw the name of your blog, as my mother has ALWAYS referred to her kitchens aqs “one-butt kitchens”. 🙂 She lives in a retirement community now and only has a 1/2 butt kitchen. I have a 2-butt kitchen, and sometimes the second one gets int he way and I make him leave. 🙂 You have some delightful recipes here and I’m looking forward to exploring them further and trying some out!

  132. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I have a “one-butt kitchen” as well ( I love that term!) and I agree that you can make great food in small spaces! I’m really enjoying your blog – your recipes look wonderful!

  133. Finally had some time to check out your blog, look forward to taking a closer look at it. And I hear you on the ‘one butt kitchen’. I lived in an RV for years, and on one memorable occasion, well maybe it was a couple of times, cooked and orchestrated a sit down dinner of Prime Rib for 50 people, I did borrow other people’s ovens to cook all those roasts however, but the majority of the prep and cooking, done in my little RV kitchen. I used to have so much fun doing that. And you’re right, organization and a few good tools, that’s all you need. Of course if I have the room, I like my ‘toys’ as well.

  134. What a very apt and fabulous blog name you chose indeed! I love the way you wrote “food is the glue” and totally agree with you. And the best thing about ‘glueing’ (i.e. cooking) is that there is nothing to ‘fix’. The ‘glue’ adds love and health to the experience. My kitchen is even smaller than yours and I often have to rely on a set of trays, which place on the floor at times for lack of space! And you are right … when you are operating in a small space, it forces you to be much more organised. I dream of my dream-sized kitchen but I won’t give up ‘glueing’ in the meantime!

  135. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your blog is fun with all the recipes, the wow factor with your pot rack above the table it looks over-loaded. Having some fun baking and cooking.

  136. Thank you for stopping by my blog and your compliments on my simple recipes. I am truly flattered. Your recipes are not only beautifully photographed but they appear to be outrageously delicious. I am humbled by your appreciation of my approach toward simplicity. I don’t have the patience to create the masterpieces you do, but I have the background to know that you are a master! Kudos!

  137. I love the name of your blog an the recipes look terrific! I used to have a one butt kitchen too, it was like a small square, teeny tiny, in my first apartment with my then boyfriend (now husband) but we used to cook in it together, it’s actually where I learned to cook, so I have a special fondness for one butt kitchens 🙂 Glad to have found your blog!

  138. Food is love! What better way to show how much you love someone than to fix foods that they love. I actually have a two-butt kitchen because one of my deerslayers loves to help with the cooking. She’s actually becoming the maestra butt in a few cases. God bless you and your cooking. Glad I found your blog and hope you enjoy mine. Hugs.

  139. Thank you so much for stopping by my little corner of the web – I spent some time browsing your website and lady things are looking good! My mom always talks about how she is so glad she redid her kitchen to a two-butt kitchen, so I was charmed to see she is not the only one who measures kitchen size that way.
    Once again, thanks for the visit and thanks even more for the inspiration!

  140. Hi there, Maggie! We are obviously culinary “soul sisters”… my story is not unlike yours! I have three kiddies and two furevers that are proud to call me their pet. I too had a dessert and coffee boutique years ago. Now I am finding that my love for cooking and its profound ability to enhance our sense of joy has lured me back to its playground! Thanks so much for liking my 100shadesofchocolate blog! Looking forward to exploring yours! Much success and thanks again!

  141. Hi Maggie!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. It’s such a neat feeling to know that someone other than my family & friends have taken a look 😛 I LOVE your pot rack (man you have a lot of pots!). Hope you’re having a lovely Sunday.


  142. Hi Magggie!
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog😃I appreciate ❤
    What a great blog you have! Really enjoy or better to say feel hungry to read your recipes. I love cooking too and will try to cook so e of your recipes too❤
    Looking forward to see more your post❤

  143. Hi! Thanks for stopping by Cuppanatter! You might also like another blog I run, The Writer’s Stuff – at the moment I’m working my way through an 1747 recipe book there. I look forward to snooping through your kitchen here!

  144. Hi Maggie (love that name BTW, it was my great grandmother’s name also)! Thanks for checking out my little blog! I love your idea of a “one butt kitchen,” it is too cute. Your cakes look awesome! I am an ok baker, but mine never turn out as pretty! :/

  145. Thanks for the follow. Look forward to your posts. I would like to know does everybody have an easy time browsing your blog or is it just me who finds it so heavy, I can hardly browse. Do you compress your photos before uploading them? I love your blog but I can hardly browse it because it’s so slow….Please advise.

  146. Thanks for visiting my blog! Just to confirm, by a ‘one butt’ kitchen do you mean only one person can comfortably work in it at a time? (ie This kitchen’s only big enough for me, so git!) That seems more a descriptor of dominion than of size… and I like it!

  147. I know I have told you how much I love your blog. Been following your posts. … love the awesome recipe’s you post.. 🙂

    I’m taking this opportunity to nominate your blog for the “Versatile Blogger Award”.

    The rules to accept & share this award are in the following link – http://kelipaan.com/awards/.

  148. Pingback: Liebster Award- oh boy! | Turning Ground

  149. Hello,

    I trust this message finds you well.

    I’ve just had the fortune of being awarded the Liebster Award blogs and as part of the protocol I’ve nominated/awarded 9 other blogs as well.

    The Liebster Award is a process where a blogger is ‘tagged’ by a blogger who has received the award and then if they accept it writes a post. In that post they let readers get to know them a bit better with:
    1) a number of personal facts (I’ve chosen 10 but it’s not arbitrary),
    2) answer the questions posted to them in the nominators post,
    3) propose a list of questions themselves to their own awardees
    4) finally list the awardees who the award will be passed to.

    As yours is a blog I enjoy and admire I’ve ‘tagged’ you as one of my awardees. I hope you don’t mind and whether you join in the game or not is your choice. I’ve displayed your banner (and the banners of the other awardees) on my award post in order to promote your blog and give readers a visual concept before clicking. If for any reason that is unacceptable to you please let me know and I will remove it.

    Full details can be found in my post here: http://nattybrat.wordpress.com/2013/07/24/the-natty-brat-has-been-awarded-the-liebster-blog-award/

    Thank you for putting together such a great blog that interests and inspires.


    (nattybrat of nattybrat.wordpress.com)

  150. Hi Maggie! I liked your blog its quite nice and also read the fantastic comments made by others on your blog. Good keep going!

  151. Hi Maggie,

    It gives me immense pleasure to nominate you for the “Shine On” award.. Its needless for me to mention how much I enjoy your blog & recipe’s… never seem to get enough of your blog.. you have such an awesome collection of recipe’s… keep rocking the blogging world with your super awesome recipe’s.. 🙂

    Check out the details on accepting this award at – http://kelipaan.com/awards/


  152. I’d like to invite you to participate in a new challenge that I am hosting at thewanderinggourmand.com to bring together the beer, wine, and food blogging worlds. As you may know, each month I host a Beer Versus Wine Pairing Challenge inviting readers to suggestion their perfect pairing with a monthly dish. I decided to make the challenge even more engaging by turning the challenge into a contest with bragging rights. Each month a dish will be presented. Bloggers have a week to post their perfect pairing and why in the comments section. The following week, I will summarize the comments in a post for a vote. The winner not only earns bragging rights but also the honor of coming up with the following month’s dish.

    Right now the contest will be hosted at thewanderinggourmand.com. Future plans involve a breakout sight and a badge to post back on your blog. I welcome you to join the challenge as it begins today with Beer Battered Fish (http://thewanderinggourmand.com/2014/02/26/beer-battered-fish-pairing/).


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